I remember when Peyton was little and she was just discovering books. Oh, did she love books! And she still does. Baby, Baby! is a wonderful book for infants. It's a simple, rhyming book for infants to enjoy. While they are listening to mom or dad read the story the babies can look at illustrations of other babies or even themselves. That's right, there's a mirror inside the book so baby can see themselves! Some of my fondest memories is curling up in bed and reading stories to Peyton. We ...
I Love You Just Because
Just because it's summer we don't slack off on reading. It's important to read to your child for at least 20 minutes a day. I know it can be hard and I know sometimes kids can fight you when it comes time to sit down and read. But a trick I've found is, a good book will always hook them. And if the pictures are colorful it also helps. I Love You Just Because is full of beautifully illustrated pages that will draw young children in. I Love You Just Because is the perfect book for preschooler ...
All Things Bright and Beautiful
As parents, we are in charge of teaching our little ones. There is so much for children to learn about and discover. Over the years, I have found a good way to teach Peyton new things is through stories. All Things Bright and Beautiful by Cecil Frances Alexander helps little ones understand God's connection to us and the world around us. Katy Hudson brought each sentence to life through her bright watercolor illustrations. She brings the pages to life so we can follow along as the children go ...
The Life We Never Expected
The Life We Never Expected was written by Andrew and Rachel Wilson. The typical married couple that have two children, however, their children are regressive autistic. Not something you think about when you decide to have children. I don't think there is a parent alive that plans for a child with disabilities. When you're pregnant it's all about having a baby! The joy of being pregnant and welcoming a new little one into the world. And for Andrew and Rachel they did have the excitement and joy ...
Would a Worm Go On a Walk?
What a cute book! If you have a preschooler or kindergartner at home, Would a Worm Go On a Walk is sure to be a hit. Filled with intricate, colorful, engaging illustrations your little one will be drawn right in. The second Peyton saw the cover she wanted to read more. So we sat down together and I read her the book. Throughout the story, we find out why a worm would not go for a walk, why a piglet would not play piano, why a ladybug would not wear lipstick and so many more things animals ...
Under the Sea Holy Bible
Peyton is going to be 6 next month and I feel it's time we start bringing more talk about the Bible into our home. We tried the whole church ordeal last year and it was a debacle. The church and the teachers were not a good fit. So we've taken the last year off from attending church and I have spent it trying to get Peyton comfortable with the idea of going back, this time to a different church. But lately Peyton has been asking lots of questions about God. Even though her Sunday school ...