Maleficient Mistress of Evil is now available to stream online and the Blu-Ray, 4K, and DVD will available tomorrow. Peyton and I really enjoyed watching Maleficent Mistress of Evil on the big screen so we are pretty excited to be able to watch it at home and to take in all that bonus content! So, to celebrate the release of Maleficent Mistress of Evil we have created a color-changing slime. Why color changing? Well, this may be a spoiler for those of you that have not seen the movie, ...
Disney’s Princess Jasmine Slime Recipe
Peyton has really found her talent, making slime. She's really good at it. She will walk around a craft store for hours picking out the perfect gems, colors, glitter, and supplies to make a themed slime that looks like we bought it in a store. I'm impressed with how much she knows about all this and with her combinations. Today, Peyton wanted to make a Princess Jasmine slime. You know, Princess Jasmine from Aladdin. We both enjoyed the live-action version of Aladdin this year and Peyton has ...
Disney Villain’s Slime
Everyone loves a good Disney Villain. Who doesn't love to hate Maleficent, Ursula and Cruella DeVille? And we know all children seem to be obsessed with slime. So when Peyton was begging me to make slime with her this week I was more likely to say yes if it was something I found entertaining. When I came across these Disney Villain buttons at Michaels I knew we had to use them in slime. They are very similar to charms but I have never seen an Ursula charm that I liked as much as this button. ...