Yes, I am writing about ways to prevent yeast infections. Why? Because we need to talk about it. The first time I had a yeast infection I had no clue what it was. Our society can be weird talking about the female body and issues when they arrive. Over the years we’ve gotten better but I want to keep the conversation going. Keep the conversation open. Let’s talk about a few things you can do to help prevent a yeast infection.
Summer is drawing to an end and with that comes the last few hot and sticky days. It also means the start of fall sports! Here’s a few things we can teach our daughters to do to help them avoid a yeast infection. They are also great tips for us moms too!
Wear Cotton Underwear
I know that oh so cute satin underwear from Victoria Secrets is all the rage. But VS also makes some super cute cotton underwear too! Cotton is breathable, flexible and absorbant. This allows for airflow. Without a little airflow, moisture is going to build up and cause irritation. Which will lead you right down the path to experiencing a yeast infection or a bacterial infection. Then it’s like a never-ending cycle. There’s more moisture due to the infection, more irritation and more discomfort.
Make Sure it Fits
This one seems like common sense but , how many of you pay attention to the size of your underwear? It’s not like when we are jean shopping, we take a few sizes back and try them on, see which one fits and make the purchase. Many times, we are guessing at our underwear size. And each cut of underwear could have you wearing a different size, just like different cuts in jeans do. If your undies are too tight there is not going to be air flow, plus your skin is going to be pinched from the tight undies. See our first reason as to what happens when there is no airflow.
After every workout or anytime you are hot and sweaty take a shower. The need to cool down and remove any excess moisture will help. A spray or wipe is not going to be as effective. And if there’s a perfume in them, it could irritate your skin leading to …… yeast infection! So take a few minutes to hit the showers. And if you absolutely have no time for an immediate shower, grab a fresh pair of cotton unders and put them on. Even if you are doing all the above, yeast infections can happen. For some women, swimming in a pool is enough to cause a yeast infection. Our bodies are in a constant balancing act and sometimes we need help. If you do find yourself suffering from a yeast infection, treat it. Do not ignore it and think it’ll clear up on it’s own. Head to your local store and pick up Monistat. Within 24-48 hours you’ll notice a difference. Follow the directions on the box and you should be good.
Having a yeast infection is uncomfortable and the longer you wait to treat it the more uncomfortable it becomes. Over the years I have personally used Monistat to clear up yeast infections. With a variety of products and applications you are sure to find a kit that works with your lifestyle.
Monistat can be found at your local retailer.
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