When you discover that you are pregnant, there are so many things that go around in your head. Thank goodness there are nine months to think about it and get them done. Thankfully, many of these things are pretty fun to do, including the ones discussed below.
Some names
I say some names here because it’s always a good idea to have more than one for each gender when you are expecting. The reason is that sometimes when your little one is born the name, you have picked just doesn’t seem to fit them quite right. Also, on occasion, you can let a name slip to friends and family, and then someone you know will make a comment on it that kind of ruins it!
Don’t stress if you are having trouble coming up with a short-list of names though, as there are plenty of resources out there that can help. In particular, look for books or sites dedicated to names for babies online. The reason being that these can often help recommend appropriate suggestions and even explain what they mean as well, something that can make the whole process a lot easier.
The nursery
The next thing that is fun to work when you find out your pregnant is the baby’s room or nursery. In fact, for many parents decorating the nursery when the new first starts to really sink in!
Of course, back-in-the-day folks used to keep the walls and the of the nursery neutral as they didn’t know either they were expecting about or a girl. This is no longer necessary now as you can find out this information by getting a scan.
Interestingly, though there is still a fashion for more neutral themed nursery with things such as mountains and clouds. Perhaps because most parents wish to avoid gender stereotyping as much as possible.
All the baby accessories you’ll need
You will also need to stop up on accessories and items to get your home ready before your baby arrives and choosing which one you wish to go with can be a lot of fun!
Do remember though that you don’t have to spend a fortune or buy everything new if you don’t want to either. The reason being that, baby items often get very little use before they grow out of them, and so you can pick up proved pieces that are in excellent condition for a low price.
Your birth plan
Lastly, before your baby arrives, it’s a smart idea to get your birth plan completed. This is a document where you start what your preferences are for the birth including whether it will be water labor, whether you will use pain relief, and even down to the smallest detail like what type of music you want to play.
Of course, while will it is fun to plan your ideal birth experience, you must also remember that sometimes you cannot predict what will happen in labor. To that end, it is necessary to stay flexible in terms of what to expect here.
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