With the changes the world endured last year, many of the “traditional” ways of doing things seem to have changed. For companies, remote working has become the new order of the day, allowing many of the business’s day-to-day activities to be conducted virtually. This means meetings, discussions, and even job interviews are conducted online. Although the concept of online (or video) job interviews is not new, it is undoubtedly quite different from traditional job interviews. Here are a few tips to help you through your online interview.
- Test your devices
Before the day of the interview, you would need to test your devices to prevent any avoidable technical challenges. First, you should note the online platform on which your interview would be conducted (via Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, etc.) and the time. Next, you should test your selected device to ensure it is compatible with the preferred interview platform. It is advisable to use your desktop computer, laptop, or tablet instead of your mobile phone. Unlike those devices, your mobile phone needs to be mounted against something or held, making the camera shake.
- Prepare yourself
Once your selected device seems to be compatible with the preferred interview platform, it’s time to ensure you are prepared as well. Do a mock interview with a friend or family member of questions your interviewer is likely to ask. Have no idea of such questions? Luckily, the internet is filled with countless websites that offer several standard interview questions you can use to practice. You can also record yourself answering some of these questions and send them to your friends and family for feedback and advice.
- Find an appropriate location
The last thing your interviewer would want to see are your death metal posters, your attention-seeking dog, or your over-excited children. For an online interview, a quiet room away from any possible distractions is a good idea. You should also ensure that the room has a significant natural light source and a generic or neutral background. Where necessary, turn off your notifications and lock the door to avoid interruptions and distractions. You can also leave an “Interview In Session” note on the door.
- Dress appropriately
An online interview does not take away the importance of dressing appropriately. Just like you would to an interview taking place in person, be sure to dress neatly and formally. Usually, business casual is the preferred choice unless stated otherwise. Ensure that your hair is also in place. Bed hair or a messy bun would not win you a lot of points. Therefore, please take out your rotating hair curler to create neat and professional curls or put it in a style that looks neat and formal.
- Watch your body language
Just like in traditional interviews, your body language does not go unnoticed. During your interview, look into the camera whenever you speak and smile when needed. Avoid moving too much; however, you should lean in occasionally. This shows your interviewer you are focused on nothing else but the interview.
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