We can have healthy glowing skin, have the perfect outfit, look the fittest that we’ve ever looked; and yet, the day isn’t going to be quite as magical as we’d like, and it’s all the fault of our untameable hair. Why it should be this way is anyone’s guess, but it often feels like our hair is only ever going to do its own thing! However, it doesn’t automatically have to be this way. By following a few simple rules, we can ensure that our ‘bad hair days’ are a thing of the past (or at least, keeping their appearances to a minimum!). If you’re tired of being late for social events because you’re trying to sort your hair out, heed the words below.
Avoiding Damage
Sometimes, it’s not so much about getting our hair under control; it’s just ensuring that it doesn’t become too unruly in the first place. Unfortunately, there are many things out that can cause damage to our hair. Many of them are heat related. The sun will dry out and damage your hair long nothing else, while even hot showers can cause problems (it’s best just to have ‘warm’ showers rather than hot. If you can brave the cold, you may notice an improvement in your hair – and other things, too).
Know the Right Products
If you were to walk down a cosmetics aisle, you’d be forgiven for being a little bamboozled by the sheer number of hair products that are available to buy. You can’t know the effect that any of them are going to have on your hair, so what are you supposed to do, not buy any? No. The trick is knowing which products are used for which, and then also buy the best products within your price range; you can visit website to learn which ones will be more suitable for your hair. Using too much of a product that is unsuitable for your hair will cause many a bad hair day. Know what works for you, and then stick with it.
Hit the Salon
There’s only so much you can do yourself! To really treat your hair well, you need to have it tended to by a professional from time to time. Even if you’re trying to grow your hair, you’ll be well served by getting a hairdresser trim it and treat it. Your hair is unlikely ever to look quite as good as it’ll look when you’ve just left a salon. If you have a major event coming up, it’ll be worth spending a little extra money to have a hair day that looks like it could be straight out of a glamorous Hollywood movie.
Eating Well
Your hair isn’t independent of your body. It comes from within, but it’ll grow with the fuel that it’s given. As such, look at adding foods that help promote healthy hair to your diet. None of them are overly complicated to prepare or difficult to find. Quite the opposite, in fact: they’re all common and delicious! Have eggs as part of breakfast, spinach in your lunch, and carrots as part of your dinner, and you’ll be on the right track. For your snacks, look at nuts and seeds: they’re a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are tremendous for hair growth.
Brushing it Out
Spending the night inside, brushing your hair might not sound too thrilling, but you’ll be thankful for it when you’ve got healthy looking locks! Brushing it isn’t just a styling benefit, it also really helps your hair look at its best. For starters, it’s an act of cleansing, keeping your hair from developing too much grease when you can’t/don’t want to wash. It also strengthens your hair, making it less susceptible to splitting and frizz.
Don’t Overdo It
Now, up until not so long ago, people were pretty enthusiastic about washing their hair as often as they could. Now, we’re beginning to rethink this. There’s a whole movement of ‘no-poo’ advocates, who don’t wash their hair at all! That might be a bit extreme, but in any case, it’s worth limiting the number of times you wash your hair each week. Consider washing it every two or three days rather than every day. You’ll cause more long-term damage if you’re washing and conditioning it every single day.
Educate Yourself
It’s not easy finding what hair processes work for us. It’s a matter of educating yourself, figuring out what works and what doesn’t. For everything else, a devil may care attitude will help you got over those bad hair days!
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