I grew up watching the Addams Family every week. I LOVED that show. Lurch was definitely my favorite. I always wished I had a butler like him. And I always wanted my own Thing too. But, it never happened in my childhood. I never got my own butler or Thing.
When I saw they were making Addams Family into a movie I could not wait to take Peyton to it. One of my favorite childhood families was coming to the big screen and I couldn’t wait to enjoy it with her. And we did! We loved watching it on the big screen. But now, you can watch it at home with your kids! Currently, it’s available for digital download and will be available to bring home on Blu-Ray, DVD and 4k on January 21st.
Besides having a copy to giveaway to one of my lucky readers I also have the lowdown on what to expect on the various formats.
Deleted and Extended Scenes*
Welcome to the Family* –
In this combined Making of/Character Profiles, we hear from the filmmakers and stars of TheAddams Familyabout how the film came about, the animation process and insight into the characters.
Life of a Scene* –
From black & white storyboards and layouts to animation and lighting, follow along with filmmakers as they bring to life a scene from the movie.
Charades with Thing* –
There’s nothing quite like a game of Charades with your friends. But what happens when the person giving the clues isn’t exactly a person? What if he’s just… a hand? On talent day, stars of the film are invited to play Charades with Thing. Talent goes head-to-head, competing to see who can guess Thing’s clues. Graphics reveal the answers and keep score for each player.
Addams Family Throwback
“Haunted Heart” Lyric Video–performed by Christina Aguilera
“My Family” Lyric Video–performed by Migos, KarolG, Rock Mafia & Snoop Dogg
* Never-before-seen bonus content
So now on to the giveaway! Be sure to enter below. Winner will be mailed a copy via media mail.
Announcement (February 1st)- The winner has been notified and the movie has shipped! Congrats JD from Lonsdale, MN!
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