I have suffered with acne my whole life since I was about 12. Everyone would say, oh it’s just puberty. When you’re older your skin will be clear, don’t worry about it. So that what I believed. I thought it was just my teenage years that I would struggle with acne, using everything I possibly could get my hands on to try and clear up my acne. I tried tanning beds, pills and tons of different skin care products. When I was in my 20s I still had acne. I thought when in the world is this going to clear? Fast forward to my 30s and it’s still here. That’s when I knew I for sure had adult acne.
Adult acne sucks. Like it’s horrible to be a mom, an adult and have acne. But then I was introduced to CBD Oil. I was skeptical at first and very hesitant to use it. But after doing some research and learning about the benefits of CBD Oil I thought I would give it a try.
On top of having adult acne, I also have super dry, painful skin, especially on my legs. And that also leads to body acne. Again, not fun. Not something I want to have especially in the summertime when I want to wear a swimsuit. Who wants to see acne all over my chest and thighs?
The first time I used the CBD oil I was a little concerned. It feels silky, somewhat oily and I thought it may actually clog my pores and cause more acne. That was my biggest concern is that I would make this worse. But I didn’t! My dry skin cleared up much faster than anything else. The extra nutrients in the balm really worked well at hydrating my skin. Next, I noticed the huge red, swollen bumps were lessening. They were not so swollen and a few days later I noticed they were getting smaller. And a few weeks later I have started to notice that I have less acne and it’s clearing up. I am sure with consistent use I could get this adult acne under control.
By getting my adult acne under control with CBD Oil Balm I am starting getting my confidence back. I don’t mind wearing a v-neck top. Before, I would wear a coverup or scarf to hide my acne. Those red, swollen spots were not attractive and made me feel very self-conscious.
But how does it all work? That was what I was curious about. How could this balm achieve what I have been trying to achieve for years? What it does it helps to balance your skin, which makes the acne clear up. Acne is a result of unbalanced skin. The CBD Oil Balm is also full of moisturizing elements which really helps to eliminate my extra dry skin. I cannot wait to try this during the winter! Maybe I won’t have any more dry, cracked skin.
There are other CBD Oil products you can use too, from pills to oils dietary supplements explore them all and find the right products for you. You can read all about the potential benefits for CBD Oil online and see which product you could benefit from.
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