Today, scientists are developing effective measures to combat ailments that have plagued humanity from the start. With innovations such as red light therapy, they are even beginning to cure the symptoms of cancer. However, red light therapy has further-reaching benefits than cancer. It can be applied by the average person and yield practical, long-term benefits.
Red light therapy is an achievement of medical technology. The patient will have wavelengths sent through their skin, absorbed at about ten millimeters. This red light is commonly referred to as infrared.
Historically, light therapy has been used in a number of different ways. Medical experts have even advised the use of daylight to cure different conditions. In addition to daylight, there are different wavelengths that can be harnessed and applied to the skin. This painless procedure has yielded several medical benefits.
Healing Wounds
While the technology is in its’ infancy, light therapy has seen some success in healing pain, especially in closing wounds. But the scientific consensus about the use of light therapy on wounds has never been secure. The procedure was always a little destructive. It would begin by intentionally causing additional tissue inflammation, which would be followed by a healing process. One can understand why scientists would be skeptical about this procedure.
Red light therapy seems to have overcome this difficulty. Rather than beginning by destroying tissue, it increases cellular proliferation and activates immune cells.
Treating Acne
There are all sorts of advertisements for treatment of acne. They are typically so shallow that all that they portray is a couple of Before/After screenshots without any scientific assessment of the problem and how they offer a solution. Red light therapy does offer a scientific solution to acne. The red light waves penetrate the skin to reduce the inflammation and kill bacteria that causes acne.
Healing Those Wrinkles
It is commonly believed that age is coming for everybody. The youthful beauty beheld by women across the world will fade to gray. As every day passes, she may begin to see more wrinkles on her skin. While that bit of common wisdom may have been true twenty years ago, it is no longer the case with scientific mechanisms designed to combat it.
Scientists have conducted a study in which they utilized red light therapy, concluding that it is effective against aging.
Rosacea: A Lifelong Burden?
Rosacea is a common ailment that causes one to experience periods of inflamed skin throughout their lives. It is typically thought that there is no cure for rosacea. Rosacea can cause acne, spider veins, painful skin, dryness, sensitivity, et cetera. It is an unpleasant condition and medical technology does not seem to have any answers.
However, with the innovation of red light therapy, there does seem to be real results for those suffering from rosacea. Scientists have found that it provides a bit of relief and helps patients to control their symptoms.
An Improved Mood And Overall Disposition
Sometimes it can seem as though one is caught in the same old cycles of life, and there is no escape. She will go to work, come home, eat, sleep, rinse, cycle, and repeat. There is no end. But a lot of that has to do with one’s perspective. Perhaps she is depressed or feeling fatigued.
Acupuncturists have traditionally argued for light therapy because light is a form of energy. By exposing oneself to this energy, it seems to make sense that she could harness that energy. Red Light Therapy is therefore a natural energizer that has been shown to improve one’s overall happiness and drive.
Treating Cancer Patients
What will stress out the cancer patient the most is not necessarily the fact that she has cancer. It is the symptoms of cancer that really affect her daily life. That is why doctors will prescribe so many pharmaceuticals for treatment of those symptoms.
However, NASA has concluded that red light therapy can be used to combat the symptoms of cancer, especially those that are brought on by chemo-therapy. With this advancement, cancer patients may not have to bed-ridden. It is astonishing to think about what photostimulation might contribute to the fight against cancer in coming decades.
Treating Arthritis
Arthritis can be one of the most depressing conditions to have. Those who suffer from it cannot move around like they used to. Tasks that used to seem so simple, such as walking down the stairs or opening a cabinet will begin to be a challenge.
Red light therapy offers a real solution so that patients can begin to feel like their old selves again. It will restore the cartilage in the elbows and knees, overcoming the tissue damage. Further, even patients who are suffering from pain unrelated to arthritis would benefit from red light therapy because it restores tissues.
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