At some point in your life you have felt held captive. Whether it’s been financial struggles holding you back, not being confident in your self to take the big job offer or just feeling like your hands are tied and you are unable to move. Being held captive doesn’t have to be a physical situation, it can be emotional too. There have been times I have felt held captive.
I’m a single mom with very little support. Financial – Let’s face it, when raising a child there is never,ever enough money. Emotional – I don’t have a partner to lean on when my daughter is throwing up at 2 am, for the third day in a row, going on little to no sleep and now I feel sick too. Or when I just need someone to vent to about my ex not helping out in any way shape or form. Physical – Sometimes I feel held captive because I can’t go out with my friends on a spur of the moment invite. I have a little one that relies on me. Only me. 24/7/365 day a year. There is no one else. So for me to able to go out with other adult it takes a lot of planning and everything has to fall into place. PERFECTLY. I’m sure everyone reading this piece has felt held captive at some point in their life. But what’s our purpose?
I have found my purpose. I LOVE being a mom. Even on days when I want to toss in the towel I still want to scoop up my daughter and take her with me to wherever it is I want to run a way too. I have also found blogging. I LOVE blogging. I like to share my thoughts and have voice that people want to hear. It’s my creative outlet. And it keeps me on track with doing fun, educational and exciting things with my daughter.
But for Ashley Smith she was held captive. Physically. By a stranger. That everyone was looking for. So what did she do? She took control of the situation and turned it around. She was determined to make it out of that apartment alive. And she did.
The book is a fascinating read. So much, that it grabbed the attention of Hollywood and they turned it into a movie. Captive is opening up nation wide this Friday, September 18th. I encourage you to take it in. You will see how with determination and strength one woman was able to survive and find her purpose in life even at an extremely dark moment.