Back to school is nearly hear and it's time to start getting those kiddos back on schedule. I know, it's summer, and we all let the little ones have a more relaxed schedule but school will be here before you know it so it's time to start planning. Here are a few tips and tricks I've used over the years with Peyton to help get her on schedule so we can start the school year rested. Consistent Bed Time I know this one seems pretty common sense but it's a big one. Try getting your little one to ...
Back to School 2018
Back to School with Backpacks by Fenrici
It's nearly time for a new school year which means it's time to start looking for the perfect backpack for the year. What makes a great backpack? One that meets every single one of your child's needs. For us, that means, we need a place to hold a water bottle, big enough to hold a lunch box as well as her books and folders and it has to be comfortable to wear. Fenrici meets all those needs and more. Peyton is wearing the medium size backpack in Gratitude. It also comes in a large size. ...