Does your kid sit and watch shows like Master Chef or Master Chef Jr nonstop? Or how about the World Greatest Baker or Cake Boss? Peyton does! She loves to watch cooking and baking shows. She could sit and watch for hours. Chef Gino’s Taste Test Challenge takes that love for cooking show competitions and harnesses it in the children’s cookbook.
Chef Gino Campagna has made more than a kid-friendly cookbook. He has taken his book and filled it with recipes that kids can make showing them that they don’t have to be a culinary expert to make tasty and healthy food. He also encourages kids to mix and match ingredients making thier own concoctioins.
Taste Test Challenge is part cookbook, part inspiring and part educational. Your child will build their culinary confidence while making recipes that they can do on their own. Perfect for ages 8 years old to 12 years old. Though I do think a younger child could use it with maybe a little assistance from an adult. And you should take into consideration your child’s comfort level in the kitchen.
Chef Gino shares his tips, tricks, and rules for both children and parents to incorporate into their kitchen rules and routines. I like how he expects parents to be involved and to adjust the rules in a way that works for their home and family. For us, Peyton has to be sure there is an adult in the kitchen before she starts making anything. And she has to run her idea or recipe by the adult before she can start making anything. Sometimes she picks out recipes that are a little over her head and she needs help.
Chef Gino’s Taste Test Challenge is the perfect book filled with over 100 recipes for any child that has a passion for being in the kitchen.
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