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The Christmas Eve treasure box is a box you give your child on Christmas Eve filled with goodies to help get them through the excitement of waiting for Santa to arrive. Typically included in the box is:
Holiday themed PJs
Plush Animal
Holiday themed book
Holiday themed movie
Hot Cocoa
Small trinkets
This is not meant to be crazy extravagant box. Just a little something to get a child distracted so they do not drive you nuts all night! And the PJs are so when you want those perfect Christmas morning pictures you have them in cute jammies!
All items will be considered. Please send inquiries to Shanna@PeytonsPennyPinchingMomma.com
All items must be received no later than December 5th. Each item will have an individual review down as well as be included in the larger How to Build Your Own Christmas Eve Box article to come out on December 10th.
Currently we are working on child themed boxes but are open to making adult boxes too if there is interest.