I love this twist on a classic story tale! Cinderstella encourages little girls to think about more than princes, fancy dresses and jewels. While Cinderstella’s two stepsisters are so busy bossing her around and obsessing over meeting the prince, Cinderstella is obsessed with the stars.Cinderstella’s stepsister are demanding new tasks out of her everyday. One day it’s to make fancy dresses for them, the next it’s to do their hair and then polish their jewels. But while her stepsisters are obsessing over their looks Cinderstella is obsessing over the stars. Each night, once she has finished her tasks, she sits in her tree house and studies the stars. She’s making models of the night sky while her stepsisters are a sleep dreaming of meeting the prince.
When the big day arrives for her stepsisters to head off to the ball, the fairy Godmother appears to help Cinderstella. At first, the Fairy Godmother thinks Cinderstella wants to go to the ball and meet the prince so she is trying to give Cinderstella a fancy dress, shoes and a carriage. But when she finally stops and looks around at Cinderstella’s tree house she sees Cinderstella is not interested in balls or princes. She’s interested in space!
The Fairy Godmother grants Cinderstella’s dream to become an Astronaut! When her stepsisters stroll by on their way to the ball they see Cinderstella in a space suit with a space ship and ask what’s going on? Cinderstella offered to take them with her and show them a universe of possibilities. Not one of the sisters made it to the ball. But they all made it to space and followed their dreams.
What a great twist on a classic! Sometimes I feel we do not encourage our daughters to explore science as much as we should. Cinderstella is an enchanting story to encourage girls to think about more than dress up and balls. There’s a whole universe out there to explore!
You can purchase your own copy of Cinderstella on Amazon or you local bookstore in October.
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