Darkest Minds hit the theaters this summer captivating audiences. And now, it’s ready to bring home on Blu-Ray and DVD. Darkest Minds was one of the few films I was not able to see this summer. It hit theaters on August 3rd and that month Peyton I were traveling as much as possible before school started at the end of the month. So we missed it, in theaters. But we are seeing it now that it’s available to watch at home!
If you are a fan of Stranger Things I can pretty much guarantee you are going to enjoy Darkest Minds. In Darkest Minds there is a virus that has swept the earth. It only affected children and there was an extremely high fatality rate of 98%. If your child was part of the 2% that did survive, they’re different. Now they have powers.
This made many people uncomfortable and the government decided to step. They rounded up all the surviving children and placed them into internment camps. The government has broken the powers into different groups. There are the greens (super intelligent), the blues (telekinesis), the yellows (control over electricity), the oranges (power over the mind), and the reds (control fire). If your child falls into the orange or red group the government has deemed those groups too dangerous and have been executing those children.
Our main character of The Darkest Minds is a girl named Ruby, she’s an orange. I don’t want to spoil the movie for you so I cannot tell you many more details. But I will tell you this, Ruby is to evade detection as an orange for many years. And then, one day, she can no longer hide her powers.
You’ll have to pick up a copy of The Darkest Minds to see what happens next. How does Ruby evade detection for so long? What happens when it’s discovered she is an orange? Are there anymore orange or red children out there? Are all the children in the camps? All those questions and more will be answered for you.
And on a side note – Did you know there is a book series The Darkest Minds? Where did you think the movie came from?? It is noteworthy that there are 4 books in this series, so hopefully, that means we will be seeing a follow up to The Darkest Minds.
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