Dear Target,
I have been spending evenings and weekends with you since before I can remember. You’re a hometown company. I’m a hometown girl. When I had a little one I indoctrinated her in the Target way of life. She’s been going to Target since the day she was born. But Peyton isn’t really fond of going to Target. She’s 6 now and doesn’t really fit into a cart. It’s just not comfortable. She even started squawking about having to come on Target runs with me. I couldn’t believe it! Instantly I thought she had been switched at birth. No child of mine could dislike Target! But then, Pokemon Go started. Peyton wanted to catch as many of those Pokemon as she could. All of a sudden she WANTED to go to Target. She had a feeling there was going to be a bunch in there! But to her surprise, you had turned one of the big red balls into a Pokemon ball! Oh, she was so excited. We had to stop and take a picture of her sitting on the ball.
Then when we walked inside she saw the tiny carts. Again, complete excitement over being at Target. Peyton asked if she could use a cart and I said sure. We then took our time strolling through Target, enjoying the afternoon and purchasing everything on my list. Did you hear me say EVERYTHING ON MY LIST? I never get to do that when she’s with.
Because Peyton is so big, she often ends up inside of the cart. You know, where the groceries should go?? But now they can’t go there because a bored kid is sitting in there. I end up shopping till nothing else can fit and we leave. But now, Peyton had her own cart! A TINY CART! She pushed that tiny little cart all over Target. Up and down every isle. Did you hear that? UP AND DOWN EVERY ISLE! She helped me shop, put things in her cart and we both had a great time. It was such a pleasant Target run that we even stopped at the bakery on our way out for a cookie.
Now fast forward a few weeks, we head off to Target to do some shopping. First thing Peyton notices when we pull into the parking lot is, they turned the Pokemon ball back into a boring red ball. BOO! Then we head inside and there are no tiny carts! Geez Target, you really know how to suck all the fun out of our Target runs. You’re being a fun sponge. Peyton tried to push the big cart but soon found out she couldn’t really see.
I guess there were some parents that were less than observant when they let their littles use the tiny carts. I guess they let their kids run amuck all over the store. So you took them away. But I have a suggestion – grow a pair. Call out the parents and kids that are running through the store banging into others. We need to stop being a society that is too afraid to call someone out on bad behavior. Tell the child to slow down or they will not be allowed to use the cart. Tell the parent to watch the child with the cart or they won’t be able to use the cart. Very simple concept. Very simple. But in today’s world, we won’t say anything. Instead of offending the few people who are misbehaving we will punish the masses. Target will be the fun sponge and take all the tiny carts away.
Target is no longer a fun place to shop. It’s back to being a huge store, with tons of stuff. Not really a place a child wants to be.
So Target, bring back the tiny carts! I miss strolling through the store, relaxing and finishing all my shopping in ONE trip. With a happy and helpful kid in tow. Quit being a fun sponge. Nobody likes a fun sponge.
Peyton’s Momma
Minnesota based Momma
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