Are you worried about the dangers that your child is facing when they go online? Here are some of the issues that you definitely need to be aware of.
Stranger Danger
First, you need to think about the definite danger that kids might be speaking to strangers online. These days, this is easier than ever. Multiplayer games will regularly pair up kids with strangers and allow them to talk through mics or text. There are also hidden chat rooms such as Discord that are often used to target kids as well. You need to make sure that you are watching who your kids are interacting with online.
A Pirate’s Life
Kids these days are far more tech-savvy. They know how to use technology to do amazing things and this includes accessing content beyond the confinements of Netflix. You have to make sure that your child is aware that pirating content is illegal and that they shouldn’t be using sites to do this. The good news is that if they get caught, they won’t be in trouble with the law. The bad news? You definitely could be and you might need the help of lawyers with years of success to avoid a hefty fine here.
Addicting Choices
Is a tech addiction a real condition? Experts certainly seem to think so and many are particularly worried that this addiction seems to be impacting children more than adults. You would be amazed how many hours kids spend on tech devices each day. It’s frankly quite terrifying and you might find that a child has spent a hundred hours on a video game that you only bought them a few months ago. So, what are the signs of tech addiction in children? Well, if taking their device away immediately causes mood issues, tantrums, and crying or screaming then this is definitely a sign there’s an issue here. Just like a normal addiction, a tech addiction will cause withdrawal symptoms if you take it away from them. You need to try and change this behavior gradually.
Arguably giving a child a piece of tech too young will definitely cause this issue. Experts suggest that children shouldn’t have personal tech devices until they are at least ten.
Finally, it’s important to be aware that staring at a computer screen for a long period isn’t going to do wonders for your child. If your child spends most of the day with their eyes glued to a tablet, don’t be surprised if by ten they need glasses. Or, if they have headphones in all day every day, then you might need to deal with the fact that they’ll probably develop tinnitus at an early age. You can avoid this by keeping track of the volume. Of course, one of the greatest dangers here is RSI. Typing and clicking a mouse isn’t great for your hands and wrists. If you notice your child complaining about pain in these areas, it could definitely be time to start thinking about reducing their time on their tech devices.
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