If you haven’t been to the store today, you need to! The Emoji movie just hit the shelves and you can take it home and enjoy a movie night with the kiddos.
If you have kids at home, I’m sure they asked you to take them to see The Emoji Movie over the summer. I know Peyton begged and begged me to go. It was a perfect way to spend a steamy afternoon tucked away in the ice cold air-conditioned movie theater. Now the weather is turning and winter is right around the corner. You can pick up a copy of the movie and spend a nice evening at home in front of a toasty fire while enjoying The Emoji Movie all over again.
In case you’ve been out of the loop and have never heard of The Emjoi movie let me fill you in. The story is based on all the emojis in our phone being alive and they live in a city called Textopolis, inside our phones. This is where all the emojis live while they are waiting to be used by the phone’s owner in a message or conversation. And all emojis have just one expression, except Gene.
Gene was born with the ability to have multiple expressions so he doesn’t have a spot on the phone for the owner to choose him. And that makes Gene very sad. So he sets out on a mission with his best friend, Hi-5 and the notorious code breaker emoji Jailbreak. Together they go on an adventure to try and find the code that Gene needs to have only one expression.
Along the way, there are some shenanigans and close calls. But I can’t tell you about them. You need to watch the movie to find out!
The Emoji movie is perfect for family night. It’s approximately 86 minutes and is rated PG for some language.
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And while you are getting ready for family movie night you can also make these quick and easy Emoji themed cookies! Perfect for a little treat while you’re watching the film with your kiddos. The recipe and directions can be found here.
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