If you are looking to add a new game to your game closet then keep on reading. Tonight we played Ninja Squirrels by Rooster Fin Games and it was a HUGE hit! From little Jamison (4 years old) to my mom (whose age shall remain a mystery) everyone enjoyed themselves.
The name Ninja Squirrels really had me puzzled but when we opened the box I could see there were some tracks, a whole bunch of colored half acorns and some cards. I was pretty baffled. Then I pulled out the rules to find some clarity.
First, you need to take the tracks and lay them down to create a circle. Doesn’t matter which one goes down first or second or third or fourth. Just make a circle. Next, take a colored acorn and place a different color in each circle on the tracks. This last piece will be different depending on how many players you have. We let the kids play (and helped them when they got stuck) so each kid got half the cards.
Each card has a Ninja Squirrel holding an acorn on it. When the Ninja is wearing the same color as the acorn he is holding then you have to try and grab that color acorn off the board. First one to grab it gets the keep it. Then you replace the acorn and put down another card. Players will take turns tossing cards faceup into the center until there are no more. When you run out of cards you should also be out of acorns. The player with the most acorns wins!
This is a fun game! The kids were laughing and giggling the whole time. It was hilarious to watch them recognize the Ninja Squirrel was holding the same color acorn as he was wearing and then they would dive on that color. There were a few times it got a little intense when they both got the acorn at the same time. Thankfully, we had no bloodshed.
The game is geared to ages 7 years old and up and 2-4 players. Jamison almost had it down and he’s almost 5 years old but we did have to help him a little. So he played as a team with grandma. Peyton is 7 1/2 (you have to get that half in there!) and she was fine playing by herself. And really was a fun family game night.
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