This is a sponsored blog post; while the views expressed here were genuinely mine, consideration was paid to me by Storage Mart.
There have been a few times throughout my life that I have had to use a storage facility. Finding the right place to keep my precious belongings took time. If I were in need of a storage facility today, I would use Storage Mart. Once you find the right place, then it’s time to figure out what size you need to rent. Both times I’ve used a storage facility, I’ve always rented the largest unit available. At Storage Mart that would be the size of a 1 1/2 car garage. There are smaller sizes too, depending on your needs.
Thinking about redoing a room? If you need a safe place to keep your furniture and belonging while doing a little remodeling, Storage Mart can help. We did a major remodel to our current home a little while ago. And part of this major remodel was all new floors, hardwood floors on two of the levels of our home. Well, when you do hardwood floors you need to remove ALL the furniture. Trust me, you don’t want to place everything in a garage. New floors = sawdust everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.
Even rooms and areas that they never put new flooring down in will have sawdust. So you definitely do not want all your belongings to have a thin layer of sawdust on them. No one wants to spend hours or days cleaning all everything they belong. So for us, we rented a storage unit and put all our furniture and belonging in there for a month. And once we moved our things out for the new flooring we ended up leaving our belongings in storage for the duration of the remodel. It was amazing to see how much fast the work could be completed without any obstacles in their way.
Maybe you want to redo your home office? Or put an organizational system in the basement? But you need everything out of the space while you spruce it up. That’s when I would suggest renting a small storage unit from Storage Mart and placing your things in there. It will keep them safe and out of the way so you can complete your project faster without disrupting the whole home.
Another reason to use a storage unit would be if you are short on storage. Like decorating your front yard for the holidays but then have nowhere to put Rudolph and all his friends for the summer? Storage Mart can rent you a small unit to keep all those reindeers up and out of the way until the next holiday.
Storage Mart is a great solution for your storage needs. And did you know they are a green company too? They look to take over unused office space or buildings and then upcycle them into warm, friendly storage solutions. They are all about your comfort and making the storage process as easy as possible. Heck, you can even rent a unit right from your phone! Talk about easy. Storage Mart is there to help you through life’s changes. It can be transitioning to a new home, storing your holiday decorations, protecting your belongings during a remodel or a hundred other reasons. Bottom line, Storage Mart is there to help with your storage needs for all stages of your life.
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