When you’re a mom, you spend every day taking care of the health and wellbeing of your child. It’s an important job, but it doesn’t mean you should sacrifice taking care of yourself.
Staying fit and healthy will help you be there for your child, ensuring you have enough energy for all the running around and making memories. While it’s not always easy to find time to prioritize yourself, you deserve some self-care.
Take a look at these health tips and tricks for busy moms to help you take better care of yourself.
Get meal planning for healthy nutrition
At times, keeping your kids happy and healthy feels much easier than taking care of yourself. There are many moms who are guilty of eating poorly because it saves time or it’s convenient. But poor nutrition leaves you lacking in energy, and it can help you gain weight – leading to further health issues.
One of the easiest ways to help yourself eat better is to plan your meals. By making a meal plan for yourself and your kids each week, you’ll know exactly what you’re eating and can get to work prepping in advance. Making your own food at home means you can make healthier choices, and you can save some money too.
Book your checkups
Are you on top of all of your health checks? If not, it’s time to bring yourself up to date. Whenever you have an appointment for your child for the dentist or an eye doctor – book one for yourself too. It’ll save you two trips and is a good way to be seen regularly. Booking a hearing evaluation is also important for both you and your child, and you should encourage others to do the same. As you get older, you can experience hearing loss, but you might not notice it until someone points it out to you!
It’s important not to neglect any symptoms that are making you uncomfortable – you wouldn’t leave it if it was your child, so don’t neglect yourself either.
Plan some physical activity into your day
Too busy for exercise? Why not plan it in into your day like an appointment? Daily activity is important for keeping your heart healthy, but it will also keep you fit and strong. Getting up to exercise in the morning helps you get it out of the way before your day has begun, and can make it fit into your routine easier. Short workouts can be very effective if you work hard for a short space of time, helping you get fitter without spending hours in the gym.
Take an organized approach to chores to save time
Do you find that most of your free time is taken up doing chores around the house? It’s time to put your organization skills to good use to help you get the job done! There are different ways you can cut your chore time in half, helping you free up time for more enjoyable things.
One method many people use successfully is to have a daily task list that can be done within 30 minutes, as well as focusing on a different room of the house each day. Tasks such as the floors or the laundry can be done daily to help you keep on top of things, and keep your home feeling clean.
Develop a strict sleep routine
Any parent will sympathize over a lack of sleep, especially during your child’s early years. But once they start to settle down, it’s time for you to settle into a good sleep routine too.
An effective bedtime routine should help you wind down at the end of the day ready for sleep. By sticking to the same time each day, you can get the rest you need, feel more refreshed and improve your energy levels overall to help you tackle each day.
Embrace walking
How much do you walk every day? If you tend to rely on your car, or you’re sat at a desk every day, you may not walk much at all. By making the effort to walk more, you can give your body some regular exercise, as well as take some time to clear your head.
Walking is something you can do with your kids too, helping them to enjoy some regular activity while taking the time away from their screens. It could be something that becomes a daily habit before or after dinner, and could soon end up being one of the most enjoyable parts of the day!
A fitness tracker can be very useful for monitoring how much you move each day, so give it a try and see if you can increase the number of steps you take.
Take a step back once in a while
‘Me’ time can be a strange concept for a lot of moms. Between taking care of your kids, your home and working, you can find yourself with barely any time left in the day. But taking some time to yourself is important to help you de-stress and relax. Embracing something you love doing like taking a bath or going to a yoga class will help you find a part of yourself, so you can switch off from everything else.
Some time management tips could help you get back on track, freeing up some time in your day to dedicate to yourself. It’s not always easy, but some me time can really work wonders for your wellbeing.
There are a lot of things to think about when it comes to taking care of your health. While you may feel that you don’t always have time, it’s important to practice self-care. Taking care of yourself will make it easier to take care of your children, but it will also teach them some great habits for the future. Put your health first and make some time for yourself to enjoy the happiest, healthiest version of you.
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