Just because it’s summer we don’t slack off on reading. It’s important to read to your child for at least 20 minutes a day. I know it can be hard and I know sometimes kids can fight you when it comes time to sit down and read. But a trick I’ve found is, a good book will always hook them. And if the pictures are colorful it also helps. I Love You Just Because is full of beautifully illustrated pages that will draw young children in.
I Love You Just Because is the perfect book for preschooler or Sunday school. Each page is full of different bear cubs, Polar Bear, Panda Bear and Brown Bear, and their Mamas. When we first meet the cubs they are playing outside and frolicking in the grass. We learn that even though these three cubs are very different they get along and live in one area together. We also learn, their parents frequently tell them, We love you just because.
Throughout the book, we learn a lot about each cub. We learn that Brown Bear likes to snuggle as late as possible before getting up each morning. We learn all the cubs like to fish! And they really like to eat fish too. And as we are learning about the cubs we are also learning about the Bible. Every other page has a Bible verse or reference to help little ones relate the Bible to everyday life through the bear cubs.
This board book is perfect for little hands. While they are exploring the pages with their tiny fingers no harm will come of the book. With thick board book pages, it can stand up to little ones. Your child will be entertained with the story while they are also learning about the Bible. A great way to introduce them to Bible stories.
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