Picture this – It’s 5 am and your alarm is going off. You’ve been up half the night with kids or studying for a test or for whatever reason you did not get enough sleep. You’re tired. Dead tired. But you have to get up and get moving because people depend on you. So, you stumble into the kitchen looking for caffeine. You pop your K-Cup into the Keurig 55 and press the large cup option. Within a few minutes, you have a piping hot cup of coffee at your finger tips.
The Keurig 55 will come to your rescue every single time. It’s perfect for new parents, college students, newlyweds and pretty much anyone that loves a piping hot cup of coffee ready at their finger tips.
When I became a new mom, it was a huge adjustment. The sporadic sleep schedule combined with working full time outside the home along with trying to function like a somewhat coherent and conscience human during the day was a nearly impossible. If it was not for my Keurig, I know there were days I would not have been able to function.
I highly recommend the Keurig 55 for all new parents because the coffee is ready in seconds. Yes, that’s right, seconds! I would start my coffee while I was making the first bottle of the day and by the time I was done fixing the bottle my coffee would be ready. So while Peyton was having her breakfast, I was enjoying my coffee and trying to build up a caffeine high to take on the day.
There is also a wide variety of K-Cups available. You can have your favorite coffee shop coffee in the comfort of your bathrobe without ever leaving home! They also have a wide variety of teas, flavored coffee, and cocoa!
The Keurig would also make the perfect gift for students. Think about it, dorms are typically tight on space and the Keurig 55 does not take up much space! Plus, students need caffeine at a moments notice when cramming for finals or trying to finish a huge project. The Keurig 55 would enable them to have a fresh cup of coffee at their finger tips no matter what time of day it is. Plus, it’s healthier than a high-calorie sugar laden soda that they could be running down the hall to get from a vending machine.
The Keurig 55 holds 48 ounces of water, enough to make several get you through the day cups of coffee without having to refill. There is also an option for 6 ounces (I need a shot of coffee), 8 ounce (typical morning cup of coffee) and 10 ounce (I need coffee to function) cups of coffee. There’s even an auto shut off! So if you are so sleep deprived and forget to turn it off you don’t have to worry. The Keurig 55 will shut itself off.
So if you are attending a baby shower soon I suggest considering gifting the Keurig 55. Those new parents may think they know what is about to happen, but us parents know they have no clue. Consider helping make that ease into parenthood a little easier with a Keurig 55. Trust me, they’ll thank you after the baby arrives.
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