Peyton loves Fuse Beads. She discovered them this past fall at after school care and has been hooked on them ever since. Peyton loves them because they are bright, colorful and she can make anything she wants with them. If she can imagine it, then she can create it. I like them because they encourage creativity, help with motor skills, are easy to clean up and cannot ruin anything.
If you’ve never used Fuse Beads you are missing out on hours of fun. All you need is a bucket of Fuse Beads, a peg board (you can find at your local craft store), wax paper, an iron and flat surface. I like to set Peyton up at our kitchen table with Fuse Beads and a peg board. She will dream up these elaborate creatures to make. Like one time she made a horse wearing a flower necklace around it’s neck. Once Peyton is done creating her scene on the peg board I take over. I heat my iron up, place wax paper over the Fuse Beads and then gently press my iron on the wax paper. Within seconds the Fuse Beads start to melt and bond together. It only takes about 30 seconds, give or take, depending on how hot your iron is. Next, let the Fuse Beads cool, then remove them from the peg. Your art project is complete!
This past winter Peyton made a few Christmas ornaments out of Fuse Beads. I took a piece of string and looped it through a bead about 4 in and then we hung it on our Christmas tree. It was a great way to keep Peyton busy while I was addressing Christmas cards! Plus she got to contribute her own homemade ornaments to our tree. This year I’m thinking of letting Peyton make a few more ornaments for our tree.
When my nephew comes over we take out the Fuse Beads. I’ll order us a pizza and put on a movie. Both kids will sit there and make new designs all night long. My nephew likes to make cars or tanks. While Peyton likes to make cute animals and flowers. Fuse Beads are versatile that each of them can make whatever their hearts desire.
Fuse Beads are available on Amazon. And if you have Amazon Prime it only takes 2 days for them to arrive. These are great to keep on hand for rainy days.
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