Whenever I am thinking of meal ideas I try to make sure they are high in protein. One way to add a little extra protein to any meal is to incorporate beans! Beans are packed full of protein and they are also one of the main ingredients in my chili! S&W Beans have a wide selection of beans that are high in fiber and protein, making them the perfect addition to a healthy diet.
When I showed Peyton all the different variety of S&W Beans she was pretty excited! Peyton loves S&W Beans. My daughter would eat black beans with nearly every meal. She LOVES them! I encourage her love for beans because of all the health benefits of beans. Here are a few little fun facts about beans –
The more beans you eat the healthier your heart is likely to be.
Research shows that people who eat beans tend to weigh less.
Beans deliver magnesium, which can lower your risk of diabetes.
Beans are a prebiotic, which helps with gut health.
Beans can be your meat substitute without sacrificing protein plus it will help lower blood sugar.
Bean are a low allergenic, high protein, high fiber food making it perfect for babies.
And there are so many more reasons! You can read more about the benefits of beans on S&W Beans site.
Today, I am using a variety of S&W Beans to make my homemade crockpot friendly chili. Here is everything you’ll need –
1 lb ground turkey, browned
3 cans of diced tomatoes (for a spicy chili exchange 1 can for a can of Rotel)
2-3 cans of a variety of beans like kidney, black or pinto – be sure to drain them and rinse them off
1 can of chili beans
1-3 tbsp minced garlic
1-3 tbsp Chili Powder
You can also add in an onion
I love making this recipe because it’s simple, quick and easy. Just dump everything into the crockpot and let it cook 6-10 hours on low. The longer you let it cook the more the flavors come out.
Did you know that S&W Beans has 3 choices for chili beans?? My chili never comes out the same twice because I am always mixing up what beans I add in. I prefer to use ground turkey because it’s a lean protein but you could also use beef, venison or skip the meat. There will be plenty of protein from the beans.
Well, that’s our simple chili in the crockpot recipe. This is a nice base chili recipe to keep in your recipe collection, it’s easy to customize and change it up.
You can find S&W Beans at your local retailer. They have such a wide selection of beans that you are bound to find the bean you need for any recipe.
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