Roxie the Doxie Finds Her Forever Home is more than just a story about a little Doxin finding her forever home with a loving family. It’s a story about adoption and the all the feelings that come with the journey. This story helps children that are going through the uncertain and sometimes scary process of adoption. The children can relate their own experience to what Roxie the Doxie is going through.
Does Roxie have anxiety? fear? sadness? mixed emotions? Probably. And I’m sure Roxie has a whole bunch of feeling she cannot even describe. Kids going through adoption have the exact same feelings. This book can be used as a way to get kids to start talking about their feelings. It can also help them identify their feelings and to process them. Now they have a character to identify with.
Often times, when kids are going through adoption, they feel alone and isolated. They don’t know how to explain how they are feeling. But reading Roxie the Doxie can help those children feel like they are not alone. That they are not the only ones going through this experience.
It’s suggested that children going through the adoption process should have their adoptive parents read this story to them. It may help them open up to their new parents and help everyone bond while going through the adoption process. Adoption is a beautiful thing but it’s also scary. Children that have been living in foster homes are leaving the world they know and moving into the unknown. They may have bounced from foster family to foster family so putting down roots may seem like a foreign and scary concept.
Roxie the Doxie was written by Jody A. Dean, Ph.D in hopes of making life a little easier for children going through family transitions.
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