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Looking for a family-friendly film to take the kids to this winter break? Look no further! Sing 2 hit theaters today and it is perfect for the whole family!
Peyton and I loved Sing when it came out in 2016 and now, 5 years later we have Sing 2! All of our favorite characters from Sing. like Rosita (Reese Weatherspoon) , Johnny (Taron Edgerton), Ash (Scarlette Johansson), and Mr. Moon (Matthew McConaughey) are back for Sing 2. Plus we have some great new characters – Porcha (Halsey), Clay Calaway (Bono), and Nooshy (Letitia Wright) are standout characters in Sing 2.
Sing 2 is packed full of music that will bring a smile to your face and make you want to get up and dance. I’m not going to give away any spoilers but this one – the opening number is ah-ma-zing! Being a native Minnesotan means that I have to love all things influenced, created, or referenced Prince. So when the opening number is one of my favorite Prince songs paired with one of my favorite movies I knew I was going to love this movie! And I did!
In the past week, I have watched Sing 2 three times. Once in a theater and twice at home. If possible, I highly suggest seeing it in the movie theater with the surround sound on the big screen. The music for this movie was curated and chosen with exquisite taste and deserves to be thoroughly enjoyed with a premium sound system.
Here is the synopsis of the film –
The storyline is one the whole family will enjoy. I watched it was my 11-year-old daughter, 6-year-old niece, 8-year-old nephew, and my mother who would kill me if I disclosed her age. There are laughs for everyone! The jokes are multi-dimensional so kids will enjoy them and adults will too. There were even some hidden jokes/references to past political figures that made my mom and I laugh. Watch the end where Mr. Crystal is trying to take credit for the show and see if it reminds you of anyone. It reminded us of someone!
The bottom line is you need to take your family to see Sing 2 over winter break. It’s a movie packed full of wonderful actors, has a hit-filled soundtrack that will make you smile and tap your feet and you will laugh throughout the movie. I know you will enjoy this movie with your kids.
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