So last week Strange Magic was release on DVD all over the nation. I must have been living under a rock for the last 5 months or so because I never saw or heard about this movie before. The first time I noticed it was this weekend. I was watching cartoons in bed with my daughter (actually I was trying to sleep) and a trailer came on for Strange Magic. It really caught my attention. The music sucked me in. We love a good musical. So when I was at Target later that day I picked it up. I had a few things I needed to get done around the house so I thought this would be great way to occupy Peyton on a rainy day. And I was right!
When I arrived home, with Strange Magic in hand, Peyton practically tackled me and took it out of the package. From just seeing one trailer, several hours earlier, she recognized the movie instantly. So off to the living room we went with Strange Magic. I put it on the television and Peyton settled into the chair with her favorite blanket. I thought for sure I would have at least an hour of uninterrupted work before she started to wander around the house.
As Peyton, sat comfortably in front of the television, I sat working in the next room. I could hear the movie and it kept drawing my attention. The signing was amazing. The song selection was fantastic! With a song line up like this:
Can’t Help Falling in Love
I Wanna Dance with Somebody
Love is Strange
I Can’t Help Myself
and many many more I couldn’t help but be drawn into the living room. Besides having a great musical time line there are also amazing graphics. The colors are vibrant, the movements are electric and the characters are lovable. And the story line is cute. George Lucas himself said he made this movie for his three daughters. It’s the female version of Star Wars. Now I disagree a little with that. While it’s great and we loved it. Star Wars is amazing and cannot be compared to any movie.
The story line is about two sisters. In the opening scenes of the movie you see the one sister, Marianne, catch her fiance kissing another fairy on their wedding day so she swears love off. Then there is a ball, where the other sister, Dawn, hopes to find love. At the ball, Roland (the cheating fiance) tries to win Marianne back. But he’s unsuccessful. So Roland hatches a plan to have another go into the dark forest and acquire a love potion. You’ll have to watch the movie to find out the rest. But trust me, you’ll enjoy it. The songs are catchy, upbeat and sung extremely well. I highly suggest this for children 10 and under. I’m sure older kids will enjoy it to. But I am positive the 10 an under crowd will be pleased for sure!