Kids are curious by nature. They have tons of questions all day long. Tadpole to Frog helps to answer some of the questions, the questions pertaining to Tadpoles and Frogs. There is so much information inside Tadpole to Frog that your little one is sure to learn many new things.
Like, did you know that once the frog lays the eggs they leave? They just swim away or hop away and the eggs are left to nature to see if they survive. Some eggs are eaten by birds and other eaten by fish. The eggs that do make it through gestation and hatch are lucky. Once the eggs hatch, tadpoles are born. They are just these little squiggly things! No hand or feet. Again, tadpoles are eaten by fish. So with no defenses, many tadpoles never turn into frogs. But the ones that do have luck on their side and probably hid in heavy plant life while growing.
After a while, tadpoles start to turn into frogs. But while they are a tadpole they can only live in water so they tend to hide in water plants where they can find cover from predators. Soon they will start to grow legs and arms. While their legs and arms are developing and growing, their tail is shrinking. Soon there will be no tail. Peyton thought that was pretty neat.
Once a tadpole has developed into a frog it can now live on land or in the water. But frogs are still pretty defenseless so they still tend to stick to areas with heavy foliage to take cover from predators.
Tadpole to Frog even talks a little bit about hibernation. When winter time comes, frogs burrow down into the mud at the bottom of a lake or pond. They take refuge there until the cold weather passes.
Tadpole to Frog is all about the lifecycle of frogs. If you have a frog lover in your home they will love reading about their favorite animal.
Tadpole to Frog is available online or at your local book retailer.
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