Today was the first day back to school for the new year! It was a mixed day of emotions. I really did enjoy spending the last week and a half with Peyton. All. The. Time. But it's nice to get back into a routine. I found us to be eating out often and not keeping any sort of schedule. Bedtimes were nonexistent and homework was forgotten. But, I am determined to get us back on track! One way is to send Peyton off to school with a healthy lunch and afternoon snack. So that was my focus this ...
Bentgo Lunch Boxes for Kids on the Go
Peyton has her very first field trip tomorrow! She's super excited. They are going to Orchestra Hall to see a concert and then have lunch with the performers. How lucky is she?? There's only one little problem. Peyton eats hot lunch at school so I'm not used to preparing a bag lunch. How much food should I send? What if she doesn't like what I pack? The questions go on and on. But with Bentgo kids lunch box at least I will know I sent enough food. Each Bentgo kids lunch box is portioned for ...