Did you hear? Wrinkle in Time hit the shelves today on Blu-Ray, 4K and DVD. Peyton and I saw A Wrinkle In Time back in March when it was a blizzard! The first showing was cancelled and we were fortunate enough to be able to make the rescheduled screening. Can I just say WOW! Peyton and I were both sucked in and captivated by A Wrinkle In Time. I'm not going to give away any spoilers or ruin the movie for you all. You can read all our thoughts about A Wrinkle in Time in our spoiler-free ...
Create a Maze with Q-Ba-Maze 2.0
What kid doesn't love a good puzzle or playing with marbles? I know Peyton loves puzzles and she also loves marbles. Now if you combine those two passions you have endless possibilities. Q-Ba-Maze 2.0 does this! Q-Ba-Maze is a maze that you create yourself with different pieces, similar to a puzzle. And then you use the marbles to see if your maze works. How cool is that? Peyton is obsessed with marbles. Typically she just rolls them all over our house and I find them when I'm walking around ...