Terry Treetop Saves the Dolphin is the fourth book in Tali Carmi’s adventure and education children’s book series. Terry is the main character of the story and he just loves to climb trees. That’s is how his adventure started. Terry was climbing a tree while on a camping adventure with his family. When he climbed up he saw dolphin swimming near by. I do not want to spoil the book for those who want to enjoy it for the first time with their children so I won’t give any more play by plays of the story line. But I will tell you this, my 4 year old daughter and I both enjoyed it very much.
Peyton, my daughter, enjoyed the book for the colorful and detailed illustrations. She really enjoyed looking at each page, taking in everything that was happening. The book also resonated with her because we enjoy camping too, though I do not let her climb trees or wonder off by herself.
I enjoyed the book because of the many lessons that were emphasized throughout while still entertaining. Terry acknowledged water safety throughout the story and I thought that was such a good story for little kids to have reinforced. Also demonstrated that no matter how little you are you can always find a way to help those in need. When Terry realized he could not help Dido, the baby dolphin, he searched out a Ranger who could help.
This is a story that can be read several times and each time your child will get something new out of it. There are various life lessons like loyalty, water safety, helping those in need, asking for help and more. We enjoyed reading Terry Treetop Saves the Dolphin and I’m sure you and your family will too. You can get a copy on amazon.