Remember last year when I told you all about The Moodsters? They had a few books out and we featured them in our 24 books of Christmas last year. Well, they came out with some new books for the holidays! When I Feel Loving and the Feeling Notebook are the newest addition to The Moodsters line.
I really like When I Feel Loving. Not only is this a sticker activity book but it also comes with a talking plush! Lolly is the pink Moodster and she loves every creature, big and small. This makes her a natural fit for When I Feel Loving. There are 32 pages in the activity book to help your child learn how to identify and communicate his/her feelings.
Lolly has a few different saying when you press her stomach like –
It’s good to be kind.
I’m so proud of you.
I’ll be here to help whenever you have a feeling emergency.
I’m feeling so loving.
Hugs and kisses
There are several more sayings. They are random and whenever you press Lolly’s tummy she’ll say one.
Feeling Notebook and Feeling Crayons are perfect for little ones learning to express themselves. Each Moodster represents a different color.
Green = Afraid (Quigly)
Pink = Loving (Lolly)
Yellow = Happy (Coz)
Blue = Sad (Snorf)
Red = Angry (Razzy)
Your child will be able to use the different colors to express their feeling in The Moodsters Feeling Notebook. Inside the Feeling Notebook there are strategies for dealing with different feelings. Sometimes I think we forget that little ones need to learn how to navigate their feelings. We need to teach them. There are 50 pages in the Feelings Notebook to help you teach your child how to express themselves.
The Moodsters are great for helping children learn how to express themselves. They also help build emotional intelligence skills, expands your child’s vocabulary and offers simple strategies to help children deal with everyday challenges of growing up.
The Moodsters have several gift sets available online and in stores. Currently. Target and Toys R Us carry The Moodsters in store.
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