So, I just finished week 10 on Nutrisystem and I must say, life has really changed since the I started this journey 10 short weeks ago. I’m not sure if I’ve lost any more weight this week because my scale decided to become possessed and quit working. A new one arrives later today so I’ll update you all next week. But even without being able to see a number this week I can still see progress. How?
My Attitude
My attitude has changed immensely over the past few weeks. What I once thought was impossible (losing the weight) has now become a possibility and a reality. I’m much more positive about my journey than I was even a few weeks ago. And making healthy choices is becoming easier each day.
My Energy Levels
I’ve always been the mom that is burning the candle at both ends trying to get as much done as possible in the wee hours of the morning. But I was also the most exhausted mom too! I have now learned that I need about 7 1/2 hours of sleep to be at my best and my energy levels are increased. I get more done in less time without feeling like a zombie. I’ve learned to really listen to my body and pay attention to what it needs. I used to sleep in on the weekends and still have no energy. But now, I’m getting about 7 hours of sleep a night and not sleeping in on the weekends at all! I’m also spending more time outside with Peyton. We even took some time this past weekend to kick around the ball in the yard.
No to the Clean Your Plate Club
This was a huge adjustment for me. I grew up in the era where you did not get to leave the table until your plate was clean. That meant eating everything on it. It was so engrained in my mind that I didn’t even realize I was doing it. Now, fast forward 2 months I have broken the cycle. There is no clean your plate club in my house any longer.
Explore New Vegetables
It’s funny before I started Nutrisystem I thought I was doing really good by eating lots of fruits. Little did I know how much sugar and carbs I was consuming. Now, I have pretty much cut my fruit consumption down to 1 serving a day and upped my veggies to 4 times a day! Instead of munching on a bowl full of grapes I now munch on grape tomatoes! And instead of eating baked potatoes with dinner we are eating roasted cauliflower or carrots. I even gave braised cabbage a shot earlier this month, I wasn’t a fan but at least I tried it. There are a lot of tasty vegetables, you just need to try them out.
Yes, it is fun to step on the scale and see the number go down every week, but weight loss is not just all about the numbers. If you do not change the way you feel about food or the way you approach it, you will be right back where you started. All of your hard work won’t matter. So, while you are on this journey with me, take some time and look at how your life is changing. You’ll be surprised when you step back and take a deep breath and look at how different things are.
If you are ready to slow down and enjoy life while trying to drop a few pounds, check out Nutrisystem. It’s really made a difference in my life.
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