While most people start making their New Year’s resolutions and planning their goals on January 1st, it’s safe to say that this year is pretty much done now for everyone, and we’re all just excited about next year and making it a better one than 2020 has been. While there’s not much you can do to control the virus, you can try and plan around it, which is something you weren’t able to do last year. There are some real benefits to having a bit of extra time to plan ahead for the new year, too, because if you want to succeed, goal planning and building new routines take time. Advanced planning can also help you to cope when life throws things like global pandemics your way.
Goal setting can bring a sense of comfort during this stressful time as having new goals in place can give us something to be excited about and have beneficial impacts on our confidence. Your goals don’t even have to be big; a small or medium-size goal that gives you a sense of accomplishment is just as valuable. So what do you need to do?
End the year strong
It’s going to be easy to dwell on this year and all the things that haven’t happened and all the things you haven’t been able to achieve through no fault of your own. But end the year strong and look at all the things you have achieved. You have survived a pandemic and done the best you can in unprecedented times. Write a list of everything you have achieved, and then look at what else you can do now before the year is out to help you achieve your goals. Do you need to update your CV, work on your website, registering for an online class? Whatever it is, do it now, don’t wait until next year, get ready, and start now.
Get the tools you need
The best thing to do to be prepared for next year is to have the right tools. If you want to learn how to sew, then get yourself a second-hand sewing machine now; if you want to start saving for a house or looking for a new house, then work out how much money you will need by using something like Pigly.Com, if you want to get a new job then get some CV advice now. The tools are all out there for you to use; you just need to use them and get to where you want to be in 2021 if you start now.
Tackle something big that you’ve been putting off
Is there something you’ve been putting off that’s weighing on your mind? It doesn’t even need to be something related to any goals; it could be a wall you want to paint, a chair you have been telling yourself you’ll reupholster, or a phone call to someone you’ve been saying you’re going to make. Try to tackle at least one big thing that you have been procrastinating on. Stop putting it off, do it today, and you’ll be surprised how much you’ll end up getting done after and how accomplished you’ll feel.
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