As you age your skin changes, indoor and outdoor elements can have a huge impact on your skin. Skin can be very delicate, so any changes can affect your skin, it can be too oily one day then the next it can become really dry. You must take care of your skin if you want it to take care of you. One problem many people have had and continue to have is dry skin on their hands caused by excessive hand washing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Combine the alcohol hand gel with the extra hand washing and you have a dry skin nightmare. It is important to remember that after you have washed and sanitized your hands to apply rehydrating hand cream. This will prevent the dry skin from cracking, bleeding, and becoming unmanageable.
Here are four ways you can look after your skin.
To understand the effect water has on your skin, think about the difference between a grape and a raisin. One is hydrated and the other is dehydrated. When you don’t drink enough water your skin becomes dehydrated and your skin can appear dull and dry. You need to aim to drink at least 2 liters of water a day to keep everything balanced. Water in the body is constantly being lost throughout the day so continuously drinking water will replace what is lost and your body will thank you for it.
It is important to moisturize daily, preferably morning and night with a good quality moisturizer. As you age your skin will need different amounts of vitamins so be sure to buy creams that are suitable for your age and skin type. Over time your skin can lose its elasticity so you could purchase a cream with the added benefit of firming and toning.
If you are finding the creams not helping or you need a quick vitamin boost to brighten up your skin then why not look into Mobile IV therapy. They offer a skin rejuvenation IV which can instantly repair skin cells and provide you with a much-needed vitamin boost.
You should be careful with what makeup you use and how much you use. Continuous use of makeup can clog up your pores and cause acne outbreaks and infections, this happens due to the skin not being able to breathe. Makeup can cause a problem with your skin’s natural defense barrier which can lead to harmful bacterias entering your skin.
You should ensure the makeup you use contains some form of SPF, if it doesn’t you need to remember to apply sunscreen before you put makeup on to protect your skin from overexposure to the sun’s rays.
If you are struggling to take care of your skin, sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day then you may benefit from receiving regular facials. Facials have many benefits including unclogging your pores so your skin is cleaner and clearer, they also rehydrate your skin adding back some much-needed moisture, and a huge benefit we think you might like is that facials can prevent premature aging.
We hope this helps you understand how to look after your skin and the different techniques you can use to do this.
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