If you are not familiar with Maryellen let me tell you a little bit about her. First – She’s my favorite! Every time we are at the American Girl store in the Mall of America I must stop and take a look at Maryellen. I have been trying to convince Peyton to chose her for the last 2 years but Peyton keeps choosing the current girl fo the year. Maryellen is part of the Be Forever line so I always let Peyton have the girl of the year since they are only here for a year and the Be Forever line is here for longer.
Maryellen Larkin is a fearless, vibrant and adventurous girl from the 1950s. She lives with her rather large family in the southern states. In Maryellen 1955: Extraordinary Christmas they bring Maryellen Larkin to life on the big screen! We get to see what it is like growing up as a 10 year old girl in 1950s. And we get to know Maryellen!
Maryellen is just as I had imagined – a spirited young lady looking for answers and trying to stand out. But throughout the story, Maryellen learns a valuable lesson. Maryellen is always trying to do what she think will help others and it often backfires. Her mother helps Maryellen learn that sometimes the key to helping others is to listen to them. Find out what they really need or want and do that.

It was a very touching story. We saw Maryellen grow up a lot throughout the story. In the beginning, Maryellen was a sweet, helpful and headstrong girl that tried to do what she thought was best. By the end of the story, Maryellen had matured into sweet, helpful and thoughtful girl that listened to others needs and helped them.
Peyton and I watched Maryellen 1955: Extraordinary Christmas the other night and really enjoyed ourselves. I was super excited to watch the story of one of my most favorite American Girl dolls and Peyton thought it was so neat to see the story of Maryellen. (I’m hoping that by having her watch the story she’ll want to get Maryellen next time she gets to pick out a doll for her birthday! 🙂 )

Maryellen 1955: Extraordinary Christmas is available on Amazon Prime Video. You can stream it to your smart tv or any device.
Linda Manns Linneman says
This sounds like a great story. I would love to read this myself. Thank you so much for sharing
Shanna says
Linda it’s a movie now! It’s super cute. If you have Amazon Prime it’s free to watch. It’s so good. 🙂
Dotty J Boucher says
This looks like a great read, and I love the cover of the book, It sort of reminds me a bit of me
when I was a child, I always doing for others and yes! often it came back in my face or something
would go wrong..
janie vezina says
i would love to find the books, my girls arent too much for dolls but would love the stories.
Lynne Chambers says
My daughter will love this movie, thanks for sharing your review!
Sherry Compton says
Perfect time of year for this movie; although she sounds like she teaches a valuable lesson and would be a good story anytime. My granddaughter wanted Leah, but maybe for her birthday. I think I will look into at least getting her one of the stories. I think she’d like her personality.