It’s Earth Day! This is a great time to look around your home and see what you and your family can do to help the Earth. One big way is to recycle. It’s this time of year I take the time to go over with Peyton what we can recycle in our home. And every year I find that we have been tossing items that we could have been recycling. Earth Day is a good time to take a look around you and see what you could be recycling that you currently are not recycling. One area of your home to focus in on is the bathroom. There are so many recyclables in the bathroom that families toss in the trash every year. That toilet paper roll can be recycled or better yet switch to a brand that does not have the paper roll. Those shampoo, conditioner and body wash bottles can be recycled. I like to keep a plastic bag on the closet handle and toss recyclables in as we use them up. Then when it’s full or recycling day, whichever comes first, then I take them out. Stowaway Cosmetics just launched a recycling program for thier beauty products!
Stowaway Cosmetics is a green cosmetics company in the sense they are making right sized products. All products are in sizes you will be able to use before they expire. How often have you went to use a lipstick to find out it has a funky odor and has expired? You won’t have that issue with Stowaway Cosmetics. You will use your lipstick before it expires because it’s the right size. Then when you have a few empty palettes, tubes or bottles ready go online and print out print the prepaid shipping label and send them back to Stowaway Cosmetics. For every 3 products you return your account will be credited $5 to use on your next purchase! It’s a win win. The Earth is winning because you are recycling rather than tossing them in a landfill, Stowaway is winning because you are returning the product to be recycled and you win with a $5 account credit for every 3 products returned.
Linda Manns Linneman says
This sounds like a win win with these cosmetics. I will have to head over and check it out. Thank you so much for sharing