Every time I see a Himalayan salt lamp I drool. I am always saying I am going to pick one up. Not only are they beautiful to look at, but they also have some benefits.
Benefits like –
Himalayan Salt Lamps helps improve the air quality
Himalayan Salt Lamps can reduce the allergens in your home
Himalayan Salt Lamps can help improve your mood
If you are like me and dreaming of owning a Himalayan Salt Lamp but don’t want to lug it home with you I have the perfect place for you to visit. The Himalayan Salt Shop is an online store full of Himalayan Salt Lamps! Now you can peruse the site and pick out the perfect lamp for you. They will ship it directly to your front door.
For a limited time you can receive 20% off! Check out these unique and natural products! Go to www.HimalayanSaltShop.com and use code USFAMILY for 20% off. #himalayansalt
In exchange for posting this deal and information I will receive a complimentary Himalayan Salt Lamp for review. All opinions are my own.
Fracesca says
these lamps are really neat
Terry Poage says
I just bought one but am waiting to use it until we move at the end of the month.
Deborah D says
I never heard of a salt lamp before. Very interesting.
sandra says
Those are interesting.
AD says
I keep one of these in my office at work; I find it really relaxing.
Judy Thomas says
My friend has one. They are really unusual and beautiful.
Kathyrin Libre says
wow.interesting..thanks for sharing!!!
ilaria carraro says
they are very interesting
fethi says
aoowh *——*
Jeena Bittenbender says
I have 2 of them. They’re awesome. My allergies have improved a great deal. I’ve gone from taking Advil four times a week to maybe twice a month. You can’t just have 1 though. Get one for your main living space, then one for your bedroom. The lights annoying at first but you get past that quick enough. To get extra bulbs too, it’s a complete mess if the light goes out. It’ll get salt everywhere.
Jeena Bittenbender says
I have 2 of them. They’re awesome. My allergies have improved a great deal. I’ve gone from taking Advil four times a week to maybe twice a month. You can’t just have 1 though. Get one for your main living space, then one for your bedroom. The lights annoying at first but you get past that quick enough. To get extra bulbs too, it’s a complete mess if the light goes out. It’ll get salt everywhere.
Wanda Tracey says
I had no idea they were so helpful with allergens.Thanks for the great information about them.I would really like to look into getting one now.
Patricia Hoffmeister says
I have been reading about these for years and have always wanted one. Keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll win one.
Annalisa L says
My family has trouble w/ allergens. I will definitely check this out.