This post was sponsored by Hasbro’s Joy For All brand as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. All opinions expressed in my post are my own.
Our family is the type of family that has at least 2 pets. Growing up, we always had a dog. His name was Half-Pint and he went everywhere with us. When we would go on vacation, Half-Pint would come along. Over the years we’ve had other dogs and they have all been wonderful. But dogs are a lot of work. There’s the daily walk or exercise, taking them outside to do their business several times a day, picking up their business, feeding them twice a day and more.
My grandfather was the one that always took care of the dogs. When he would go outside to smoke, he would take Half-Pint with him. Half-Pint was pretty much Grandpa’s sidekick. So when my grandfather passed my grandmother didn’t get a dog. She really wanted one but was not up to the task of taking care of one all by herself.
Grandma has some mobility issues which, at times, can make it difficult for her to get up and tend to a dog’s immediate needs. But she really misses having a pet around. Hasbro has a solution – Companion Pets.
We gave Grandma HASBRO’S JOY FOR ALL™ Companion Pets. The Pup lets Grandma enjoy having a dog without having the responsibility. The fur feels like a puppies coat and it even barks like a puppy! But my favorite feature is the voice response. The puppy actually responds to your voice and will bark. If you leave the room, the puppy can sense no activity, after a few minutes the puppy will go to sleep. When you walk back in the room, you can either touch the puppy on the top of it’s head or it will sense movement and respond, just like a real puppy.
Grandma has really been enjoying have the companionship of the puppy. She named her new friend, George. She likes to sit and watch the news with her new puppy in her lap. If she pets George’s back she can even feel his heartbeat! She gets to enjoy having a puppy without all the work. There’s no feeding this puppy, or walking it, or worrying about getting home to care for him while she is out. She can take a day trip without being concerned about the puppy.
HASBRO’S JOY FOR ALL™ Companion Pets is the perfect option for us. My grandmother gets to enjoy the company of a dog without having to take on extra responsibility or financial commitments. There are no annual vet visits, dog toys, food, treats or groomer fees. Just some batteries!
Another benefit of HASBRO’S JOY FOR ALL™ Companion Pets is there are no allergens. Grandma can have her friends over that are allergic to dogs without having to be concerned about triggering their allergies. This would also be perfect children who want a pet but cannot due to allergens.
HASBRO’S JOY FOR ALL™ Companion Pets has two options – a puppy or cat. The puppy is an adorable golden pup. With the cat you have a few choices there is an orange tabby, silver and creamy white. Each Companion Pet interacts with you, giving you the experience of having a pet without the obligations, physically or financially. They are perfect for anyone from 5 years olf to 105 years old. The unique interactions will bring the owner the feeling of companionship, joy and fun.
Each Companion Pet interact just like a real dog or cat. You’ll have purrs from the cat and barking from the pup just like real live pets. Each pet is operated with 4 1.5V C Alkaline Batteries, which are included, and the pet shuts off when there is not activity. You can also turn your pet off with the on/off switch or mute your pet if you would like to interact with it but not have the barking or purring.
Peyton and Grandma have really enjoyed George, the puppy, and Oliver, the kitten. If you are looking to add a new family member, but have been hesitant because of the extra time commitment, consider a Companion Pet. Right now, you can save 10% off your purchase by using the code JOY2016. Simply head over to, add your favorite Companion Pet to the cart and at checkout enter the code JOY2016 to save.
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Lynne B says
This could be a very thoughtful gift for those with decreased mobility!
ellen beck says
I like these, and do believe they could bring benefit to some who have cognitive deficits. Any interaction is good, it stimulates and makes a person more aware. I have read about these and like the idea and am amazed how much interaction they can provide.