Wow, the weather sure did cool off quickly! When we head out the door for school the temperatures have been in the 40s. They are even talking snow next week! It’s just too early for this cold weather. We should be in the 60s and 70s, not 40s and 50s. So now I’m looking for a warm drink to send Peyton off to school with. This month, we were sent Sugar Babies Cocoa. Now, I must confess I like to put Sugar Babies in my freshly popped popcorn and munch on it while I watch movies. I can only imagine how yummy it tastes as a hot cocoa.
To make my yummy Sugar Babies Hot Cocoa you will need the following –
1 k-cup Sugar Babies Hot Cocoa
Whipped Cream
Caramel Sauce
Chocolate Sauce
Thermal To-Go Cups
If you are serving this to a little one I highly suggest making the cocoa and letting it sit for about 30 minutes before you give it to them. Or brew it on the lowest setting and add an ice cube if you are pressed for time. You don’t want to burn their tounges and Keurig does brew scalding hot coffee.
Get your preferred to go cup ready or thermal to-go cup.
Place it in the cup area of your Keurig and brew your Sugar Babies K-cup.
If this is for a kid, let it cool or add the ice cube.
Add a generous amount of whipped cream.
Drizzle with chocolate sauce and caramel sauce.
Add the lid and you are ready to go!
Now, you can send them off to school with a warm drink.
Peyton loves starting cool mornings off with a Sugar Babies hot cocoa. It really does taste like a warm Sugar Babies candy. Definitely the perfect way to warm up the littles from the inside out. If your child doesn’t like hot drinks, check out our recipe for a blended cocoa.
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