Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite movies. When I was a teenager I remember babysitting for this one couple and watching the animated version of Beauty and the Beast over and over. I've taken Peyton to see theatre performances of Disney's Beauty and the Beast a few times. One time was even a dinner theatre performance! That one was really fun. This past year, Disney released Beauty and the Beast with Emma Watson as Belle. And now, it's available on DVD and Blu-Ray. Peyton saw Beauty ...
Beauty and the Beast
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Available June 6th!
If you have not seen Disney's Beauty and the Beast you really should! And if you missed it in theaters don't fret. It'll be available on June 6th to bring home on DVD or Blu-Ray. Peyton saw Beauty and the Beast when it first hit theaters and she loved it! I was pretty confident she would, after all, she's watched the animated version a zillion times. Disney did a fantastic job bringing Beauty and the Beast alive on the big screen. Now, if you pick up the Blu-Ray you'll get to see some ...
Let’s Get Cooking!
I know Peyton and I have been slacking on putting up recipe posts lately, but that's all about to change! We are getting ready to get back in the groove of posting healthy, tasty, yummy family-focused recipes. But while you are waiting for those, did you know that you can sign your little one up for cooking classes at Williams Sonoma?? I had no clue, until early this morning. I was checking my emails and one of my favorite people had sent me the info. I was squealing when I saw it. But I had to ...
New Beauty and the Beast Photos
I remember when Beauty and the Beast came out. I was babysitting, I used to make the kids watch it every time I babysat. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, me or them. Disney is making Beauty and the Beast into a movie, a non-animated movie! Emma Watson has been tapped to play Belle and I think she is just going to be wonderful! Though the movie does not come out until March 2017, Disney did just release some new photos from the set. Are you excited? Here's a first glimpse of what Beauty and the ...