Game night is the norm at my house. I think it's a great way to get the kids off the electronics and interact with the family. Tonight we played 3 Little Pigs. The suggested age is 4 years old and up. But I had a 3-year-old play and he did just fine. The game can have 2-3 players but if you have more kids just make teams. I thought the game was a fun twist on the story of the 3 Little Pigs. Everyone starts out with a green stand piece. Then you have to roll the dice. Each side of the dice ...
Board Game
Family Game Night with Sapphiro
Family game night is coming back! Whenever my nephews are over we always play board games. I prefer the kids playing board games than parking themselves in front of the television all day. I'm not saying they do not watch any television but I do limit the time they spend in front of the television. When we take trips or go camping we take board games with. Have you ever been stuck inside a tent during a storm with kids?? Well, I have. And a board game comes in really handy. Sapphiro is the ...