Oh my gosh!! Can we just take a moment and appreciate that number. 20 lbs down on my 9th week of Nutrisystem. I am so beyond grateful, excited and thrilled. Words cannot express how happy I am.
Every week I take a picture of myself to track the progress. Until this week I haven’t been able to see the transformation with my own eyes. Others would tell me they could but I didn’t see it. Now that I’m 20 pounds lighter I can see it in my face, my arms, my wrists, my leg, pretty much all over. I can see that the clothes I am wearing are fitting better which in turn makes me look better.
Nutrisystem has been just what I needed to help me work on my weight loss goals. I had been trying to do it on my own and was not getting anywhere. Since partnering with Nutrisystem I have learned so much. I have learned how to eat several small meals throughout the day. I have cut soda out of my diet completely. I have cut chips and fast food out too. I never thought I could do any of that. But I have. And you know what? It hasn’t been that hard not eating those. At first, it was, but now that it’s been over 2 months since I’ve had soda, chips or fast food I don’t crave it. I don’t want it. And when I start to think of meal ideas I find myself looking at the fresh options. The options full of vegetables and lean protein. I can see the mindset change.
If you are wondering what the big difference is this time around I’ll tell you. Nutrisystem. Plain and simple that is the one thing that has changed in how I have tried to lose weight. And the reason it’s working this time is because I am working on my whole person and not just calories. I’m reading the articles on Nutrisystem, I’m looking at my mindset and how I react to food, people, situations, and emotions, I’m looking at my sleeping habits and I’m looking at how my body is reacting to certain foods. I’m working on me. I realize now that losing weight is about more than what you put in your mouth. You really need to change your life and how you approach it.
It’s been a big change for me but I’m much happier than I was before I started this. One article that really resonated with me was about clutter. When you join Nutrisystem you get access to this amazing site full of helpful articles, tips, recipes, and people going through the same journey. One day, an article about how being overweight can lead to extreme clutter in your home caught my attention. That article really made me stop and think about my life. And they’re right. When I started to gain weight I also started to have a cluttered home.
Since I read that article a few weeks ago I have been working on decluttering our home, one bag at a time. It’s a lot of work but I also feel like as I am purging I am also letting go of baggage, emotional baggage. And I’m also starting to feel less overwhelmed. Since I’ve started on this journey I have donated 3 trunks full of stuff from our home. From toys to small furniture to clothes. I have been going through one space every weekend and donating what we no longer use. I have also sold a few items too. That was kinda nice! I recouped about $200 from items we had just sitting around our home that were not being used.
Weight loss is a journey and lifestyle change. At times it is going to feel overwhelming and when that happens just take a deep breath. You didn’t get here overnight and you are not going to solve it overnight either. Just breath. It’ll come together, it just takes time.
If you are ready to slow down and enjoy life while trying to drop a few pounds, check out Nutrisystem. It’s really made a difference in my life.
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