Last year I partnered with Nutrisystem to do a weight loss series. I was super excited. I couldn't wait to start. Losing the extra weight has been a huge goal of mine but I always find it hard to achieve. So when the opportunity arrived to work with Nutrisystem I jumped on it. I was so excited to have a counselor to work with one on one to help get over the hurdles or roadblocks that I may encounter. The food was to be shipped right to my door. All I needed to do was supplement with a few ...
Weight Loss
Inches Loss Matter Too
We have been traveling a lot this past month. From Universal Studios in Florida to a few Minnesota based trips and I haven't been seeing much weight loss. I was starting to get discouraged. I'm staying on plan and I am getting a lot of exercise on these trips as they are mostly all walking. My average miles per day this past month has been 7 1/2 miles. A day! But yet my weight loss has been about 1/2 pound a week. So this week I decided to check in and see how many inches I have lost. And boy ...
Hold On To Summer a Little Longer with Nutrisystem Pound Cake
The kids are heading back to school and summer is coming to an end but I'm going to hold on to it as long as I can. This coming weekend there will be celebrations and BBQs. It can be a hard time for those of us that are on a weight loss journey or trying to eat healthily. But I have a little recipe up my sleeve! Here's an option for a low cal strawberry shortcake using the Nutrisystem Pound Cake. I know I get bored and frustrated with eating the same things over and over again. And when I get ...
5 Tips for Airline Travel While on Nutrisystem
August is the month of travel for this family. We will be gone for 18 of the 31 days of August. Can you believe that?! While it sounds amazing it also very stressful. How will I stay on track while traveling? What can I take with me on a plane? These were questions that I had rattling through my brain on our drive home last week from Chicago. We were home for less than 36 hours before we headed to the airport to board a plane for Orlando. That short time home didn't leave much time for me to ...
My Favorite Road Trip Snacks
Peyton is spending time in Chicago with family. While it's nice having a little free time to myself I do not look forward to the drive to go pick her up. It's about 5-6 hours depending on the weather and traffic. And it feels even longer when you are doing it by yourself. This is one area I need help with. It's extremely tempting to stop at a gas station and pick up some junk food or pull off the road and hit up a drive thru. But I'm dedicated to my journey so I planned a head. I brought snacks ...
Week 10 on Nutrisystem: Oh the Places You Will Go
So, I just finished week 10 on Nutrisystem and I must say, life has really changed since the I started this journey 10 short weeks ago. I'm not sure if I've lost any more weight this week because my scale decided to become possessed and quit working. A new one arrives later today so I'll update you all next week. But even without being able to see a number this week I can still see progress. How? My Attitude My attitude has changed immensely over the past few weeks. What I once thought was ...